Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Memorial Book Tellius Recollection: The First Volume

Tellis recollection 1

Today, put up a cover for a design document book for Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FE9) (蒼炎の軌跡). See it above!

It will release July 29th for the price of 3,456 Yen (~33 USD). Import costs usually add another ~10 USD.

Now, the title has an English name (as written by the Japanese):

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Memorial Book Tellius Recollection: The First Volume

Previously, I called it:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Design Documents. Tellius Recollection (1)

But will now go by the above name. I will likely call it FE: Tellius Recollection (1) for simplicity’s sake though!

The info on the page restates what the product description already covered. I translated the content information on a previous post. You can read the description (translated by me) there!

I have already pre-ordered the book (with donation money! Thanks!) and will get to scanning/translating pages of interest. : ) Likely alongside VincentASM of (will take priority requests too, of course!).

If you’re feeling generous to donate, please use the button located on the top right of this page! It will help enable me to get the sequel book in the future too!

You can pre-order the book for yourself from here!

Check out VincentASM’s own post about it on serenesforest here!