Fire Emblem PoR: Tellius Recollection Scan/Translation Compilation Post

Tellis recollection 1

UPDATE: This project is complete! All profiles, concept art, history, and other tidbits have been translated. Support conversations and story summary are the only sections left alone as they will likely offer no new information and can already be found in the game.

A link to the bulk download and imgur gallery can be found below!

To view the project relating to translating the sequel to this book, go here!

Original Post:

This post is a compilation of all my Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Memorial Book: Tellius Recollection (Vol 1) related posts in one neat place. Each section you see below has an individual post, too, which may share translation notes and other tidbits not present on this post.

It will be updated every time some new scan or information of interest comes to light.

Assisting me on this project are the wonderful users Microwaveit, AstroknighticalFeats and VincentASM of Their translations will be noted/credited!

Download this project in bulk from here. (Password: kantopia)

Or see it all in one imgur gallery here.

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Rhythm Heaven Megamix Special Comic Translations (Compilation)

STATUS: Ongoing (Up to Part 13)

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus in Japan) was released a month ago in North America and will be coming to Europe later on (October).

The game devs had made fun comics relating to the game last June which sourcegaming had translated and I typeset in a collaboration There had been more comics released since then, but none of them were translated (as far as I saw). So, I’ll try to translate at least one part a day, but there may be some interruptions due to other content I may be translating too, consider these lower priority.

This is a compilation post of all pages so far. Each has their own post too.

I hope you enjoy! If you like what I do, please consider donating! (or use the button on the top right of the page if you lack a PayPal account but still wish to pay!)

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Pokémon – “I Love Koiking [Magikarp]” Lyrics Translation [Literal]

Earlier, the Pokémon Company posted a new song much like the Slopoke/Yadon song. This time, it features Magikarp. See it above!

I translated the lyrics (literally) below. I really want to work on a version that works rhythmically too, and that keeps a few puns. But as that will take a bit longer, I give the literal translation for those curious.

The original Japanese lyrics can be found right here on the official website.

I assume there will be an official English translation that comes out… but that remains to be seen.

Helpless and pathetic
Famous for being incredibly weak

Was it extremely powerful in ancient times? There are legends that say so, but
Today it’s extremely weak. So weak that it makes you cry!

The weak Pokémon Magikarp, the weakest of them all
The weak Pokémon Magikarp, so shockingly weak

Splashing about, always splashing
It can splash and splash up and through entire mountains

Why does it splash? Splashing for no reason, splashing even in battle with no purpose
Splashing in rhythm, on and on, and sometimes getting caught by a Pidgeotto!

The splashing Pokémon Magikarp, splashing the most of them all
The splashing Pokémon Magikarp, always jumping with a “flop flop!”

You can first encounter it anywhere
Using an old rod will make you fish out way too many

The sea, river, or even a dirty puddle –It will be found swimming in any body of water
It paddles along regardless of if the river is calm or flowing

If you manage to catch one: “Catch and release?” will probably cross your mind soon
If you manage to catch one: “Catch and eat?” What nonsense!

Even when it is shiny, with a golden color
It is still exactly the same on the inside

When it evolves into Gyarados, it becomes super strong. But waiting until then is really tough!
That old guy sold it for 500P! And with no refunds!

The unfortunate Pokémon Magikarp, it gets booed even when trying to help people
The unfortunate Pokémon Magikarp, nowhere near the top ranks

My Pokémon Magikarp, the one I’ll still continue to raise!
My Pokémon Magikarp, I’ll raise a party of six and fight with them!

The Magikarp we love, the one we love most in the world
The Magikarp I love, I dedicate this love song to you!


  • By literal, I mean the overall meaning is literally translated. So it will not sing in rhythm, but just give a meaning.
  • Despite the literal meaning, however, I still translated Koiking to the name “Magikarp.” Likewise, I translated instances of “haneru (hop)” to “splash.” Even if that is not entirely accurate, it will ease the meaning for Pokemon fans.
  • I translated “yen” to “PokeDollars” as they were in Gen I as well.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE – From FE x Pokemon to FE x SMT (Interview snippet)


A fellow translator and FE fan over on Twitter was curious as to a certain post’s legitimacy, that is, a claim that before Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, there were plans for it to be Fire Emblem x Pokemon.

After some searching for the Nintendo Dream issue it had apparently come from (Dec. 21 2015 issue), a twitter follower came forward saying they had it, and provided me the scans. So, let’s please give a HUGE thank you to @nohrianpeach for not only providing the scan for that particular page, but for all the FE pages from this issue.

It turned out this particular segment is actually in the companion booklet that came with the magazine, rather than the magazine itself.

And so, here is the snippet translated. It turns out it is true, too! (I provide the transcript in Japanese below too, but the shot itself won’t be posted here. It is available by request however). It is only mentioned in passing in the first paragraph.

Please tell us what led up to the planning of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.

Yamagami (Nintendo Producer): 5 years ago, Ms. Andou proposed a plan [for a crossover], saying “You know, I think FE and Pokemon‘s rules are pretty compatible!” Though I agreed with her, by chance the Pokemon group had already proposed what eventually became Pokemon Conquest at the same time [so we were unable to follow through].

Andou (Nintendo Director): Yes, which I was in charge of too.

Yamagami (Nintendo Producer): As the plan was a secret, she was put in charge of that first. (Laughs). And then, it took her less than a week to say, “Here’s the next plan.” The new plan was a collaboration with Atlus. At that time, new games like Xenoblade and Pandora’s Tower were coming out, and, because I myself was quite interested in Atlus’s games, I figured “This could work!” At first, we made informal plans within our own small group, but…

Takata (Atlus Producer): At that time, the organization itself was undergoing changes. and it was almost impossible to deal with Atlus as a second party, and so we almost decided to give up on it. After roughtly 2 years, we heard from Hiraoka (board member at Atlus), “Let’s try to collaborate and level up by making an RPG together.” After that, we attempted to contact Nintendo repeatedly, asking “Do you want to bring that RPG to life [with us]?”

Yamagami (Nintendo Producer): We replied immediately with, “Let’s do it!” We then quickly began to draft plans for the game, still only having a rough idea of what it would be. And so, we released an image that showed, “Shin Megami Tensei Meets Fire Emblem” to the public.

And that’s that! There’s more to the interview regarding the development of TMS#FE that I may get to later, but right at the start they mention the potential Pokemon collaboration that didn’t come to be due to Pokemon Conquest.

Imagine how FE x Pokemon would’ve been? Though, Pokemon Conquest itself was quite a fun game! So I don’t entirely mind having gotten that at the expense of the other game, personally.

Once again, thanks to @shadwofchaos725 for bringing it to my attention, and @nohrianpeach for the scans!

Original transcript:


山上 5年まえ、安藤が「「FE]のルールと「ポケモン」の相性は非常にいいと思うんですけど」と企画を提案してきたことがあったんですね。僕もいいと思ったんですが、たまたま同タイミングでポケモンさんから「ポケモン+ノブナガの野望」*1が提案されまして。

安藤 はい。それは私が担当しました。

山上 企画が被ったので、まずはそちらを担当してね、と(笑)。そうしたら、安藤が一週間もしないうちに「次の企画です」って、新たな企画を持って来たんです。それがアトラスさんとのコラボ企画でした。当時「ゼノブレイド」とか「パンドラの塔」といった新しいタイトルに挑戦していましたし、僕自身もアトラスさんの作品に興味があったので「いいかも」と思ったんです。で、まずは内々にご提案したんですけど・・・。

高田 同時、ライン編成の調整がつかなかったのと、アトラスでセカンドパーテイとして取り組んだことがほぼ無かったので、一旦は会社として見送りという判断でした。そのあと、2年くらいしてからウチの平岡から、”更なるレベルアップの君にセカンドとしてのRPG開発にも挑戦してみよう”という判断があり「あの話生きています?」と弊社から改めて任天堂さんにご連絡しました。

山上 「生きてます!」って、すぐにOKをして一揆に企画を立てまして、まだ荒い状態だったんですけど「真・女神転生MEETSファイアーエムブレム」って画像だけを公開しました。

Rhythm Heaven Megamix Special Comic Translations (13)

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus in Japan) was released a month ago in North America and will be coming to Europe later on.

The game devs had made fun comics relating to the game last June.

I’ll try to translate at least one part a day (though there may be some gaps for Fire Emblem content, especially with the upcoming Tellius Recollection book!). A compilation post will come soon!

I hope you enjoy! If you like what I do, please consider donating by using the “DONATE” button in the top right!

Today’s part: 13



Original page


Rhythm Heaven Megamix Special Comic Translations (12)

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus in Japan) was released a month ago in North America and will be coming to Europe later on.

The game devs had made fun comics relating to the game last June.

I’ll try to translate at least one part a day (though there may be some gaps for Fire Emblem content, especially with the upcoming Tellius Recollection book!). A compilation post will come soon!

I hope you enjoy! If you like what I do, please consider donating by using the “DONATE” button in the top right!

Today’s part: 12



Original page


Rhythm Heaven Megamix Special Comic Translations (11)

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus in Japan) was released a month ago in North America and will be coming to Europe later on.

The game devs had made fun comics relating to the game last June.

I’ll try to translate at least one part a day (though there may be some gaps for Fire Emblem content, especially with the upcoming Tellius Recollection book!). A compilation post will come soon!

I hope you enjoy! If you like what I do, please consider donating by using the “DONATE” button in the top right!

Today’s part: 11



Original page


Rhythm Heaven Megamix Special Comic Translations (10)

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus in Japan) was released a month ago in North America and will be coming to Europe later on.

The game devs had made fun comics relating to the game last June which sourcegaming had translated and I typeset in a collaboration There had been more comics released since then, but none of them were translated (as far as I saw).

I’ll try to translate at least one part a day (though there may be some gaps for Fire Emblem content, especially with the upcoming Tellius Recollection book!). A compilation post will come soon!

I hope you enjoy! If you like what I do, please consider donating by using the “DONATE” button in the top right!

Today’s part: 10



Original page


Rhythm Heaven Megamix Special Comic Translations (9)

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus in Japan) was released a month ago in North America and will be coming to Europe later on.

The game devs had made fun comics relating to the game last June which sourcegaming had translated and I typeset in a collaboration There had been more comics released since then, but none of them were translated (as far as I saw).

I’ll try to translate at least one part a day (though there may be some gaps for Fire Emblem content, especially with the upcoming Tellius Recollection book!). A compilation post will come soon!

I hope you enjoy! If you like what I do, please consider donating by using the “DONATE” button in the top right!

Today’s part: 09



Original page


  • Ground Dunker is named “jimen-kun” (Mr. Ground) in Japanese.

Rhythm Heaven Megamix Special Comic Translations (8)

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus in Japan) was released a month ago in North America and will be coming to Europe later on.

The game devs had made fun comics relating to the game last June which sourcegaming had translated and I typeset in a collaboration There had been more comics released since then, but none of them were translated (as far as I saw).

I’ll try to translate at least one part a day (though there may be some gaps for Fire Emblem content, especially with the upcoming Tellius Recollection book!). A compilation post will come soon!

I hope you enjoy! If you like what I do, please consider donating by using the “DONATE” button in the top right!

Today’s part: 08



Original page


  • Ground Dunker is named “jimen-kun” (Mr. Ground) in Japanese.