FE RD: Skrimir Character Profile (P. 100) Translation

This post is part of my ongoing translations of the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Memorial Book: Tellius Recollection (Vol 2). 

This post features Skrimir. The “notes” were partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats of serenesforest.net. I edited them and fixed any translation errors, as well as the profile information.

You can find every translation I’ve done on this book so far on the compilation post here!

As you can imagine, the process of doing all this (scanning, editing, translating, etc) takes a lot of time, and I am unemployed…so if you like what I did, then…

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Species: Laguz
Class: Lion
Affinity: Fire
Origin: Gallia
Apparent Age: 25*

A Lion of remarkable combat prowess and nephew of Gallia’s King Caineghis. Because Gallian kingship is passed on by ability and not heritage, he appears to be a little overconfident in his strength. He was forbidden from partaking in the Mad King’s War due to his penchant for reckless bloodlust and inability to resolve even domestic affairs. Though Soren (and some others) frankly point out these flaws, Skrimir is generally loved by and has the support of his subjects for his courage (fitting for a Lion) and his tendency to not worry about the small things. After suffering an injury from his fight with Zelgius (the Black Knight), he painfully learned the shock of defeat and the value of tact. He personally apologized to Ranulf for his blunder, showing signs of personal growth. There was a scene where he feigned strength even when injured for the sake of his comrades, which greatly warmed Ranulf’s heart.  (Partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)

One thought on “FE RD: Skrimir Character Profile (P. 100) Translation

  1. Pingback: Fire Emblem RD: Tellius Recollection Vol. 2 Scan/Translation Compilation Post | kantopia

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