FE RD: Nephenee Character Profile (P. 70) Translation

This post is part of my ongoing translations of the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Memorial Book: Tellius Recollection (Vol 2). 

This post features the returning character Nephenee. Her Path of Radiance profile can be seen here.

You can find every translation I’ve done on this book so far on the compilation post here!


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As you can imagine, the process of doing all this (scanning, editing, translating, etc) takes a lot of time…so if feeling generous, than please consider donating! It helps fund future projects. : )

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Species: Beorc
Class: Halberdier > Sentinel
Affinity: Wind
Origin: Crimea
Approx. Age: 22

A Halberdier from a Crimean village named Ohma.
She is a veteran hero who fought alongside the Greil Mercenaries in the Mad King’s War. She is shy by nature and is embarrassed about her country accent. As such, she speaks very little out of fear of it being revealed. For that reason, she kept her distance from others when she was with the Greil Mercenaries and the Crimean Liberation Army and refused to open up. However, she steadily began to change her outlook after meeting Brom (who was also from Ohma) and Calill. She gradually became more open and willing to talk to others.
After the Mad King’s War, she returned to a peaceful life in Ohma village. However, she was forced to take up arms once again in order to suppress a rebellion against the Queen, spurred on by Yeardley who had incited the young men of the village.
Nephenee is incredibly beautiful, but hides her face behind her helmet, as observed by Brom. Though he advised her to find a lucky groom, she has yet to meet her type.

2 thoughts on “FE RD: Nephenee Character Profile (P. 70) Translation

  1. Pingback: Fire Emblem RD: Tellius Recollection Vol. 2 Scan/Translation Compilation Post | kantopia

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