Fire Emblem if/Fates Website Character Profile Translations [COMPLETE] [6/16]


All profiles as of 6/16 have been completed. To view the ones in the previous 5/31 update, go here.

Here are the translations of several of the new characters who appeared on the main website. If any come in the future, I will be sure to update them here.

This was all done on my free time, and so took a little while. It was certainly a lot of work, but I do hope you enjoy! I am unemployed… so please consider donating if you like the work I do. : )


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Fire Emblem IF Website Character Profile Translations [COMPLETE] [5/31]

UPDATE: All profiles as of 5/31 have been completed. Also, I included dialogue from a transcript provided by egobarrier of! Please note Japanese is context heavy and some bits may not make sense/had to be improvised to make it sound…well like words.

Here are the translations of several of the new characters who appeared on the main website. If any come in the future, I will be sure to update them here.

This was all done on my free time, and so took a little while. It was certainly a lot of work, but I do hope you enjoy! I am unemployed… so please consider donating if you like the work I do. : )


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Fire Emblem if: Aqua’s Song “If- One’s Thoughts” Translation


UPDATE 2: This is just based on the trailer. The full lyrics have sinced been released, and I translated them in full HERE.

UPDATE: It has been revealed that the name of the singer is Aqua. The official song’s name is “if – hitori omou”, or “One’s thoughts.” The below is still based on the trailer, but when the official song comes out, I’ll update it with the official lyrics.

A user on kindly pointed out that a Japanese 2ch user uploaded potential lyrics for the song. So I translated them best I could. Please note that the translation is based on their interpretation of what they heard and transcribed, so if any errors arise, that is one possible reason.

I am still working on ironing out the translation. The song in question is during the first half of the trailer below:

The order is Kanji, Romaji, and English.

まどろみ 想いを断ち切って
伝承 柔く光散って

tsutau mizu suji
sono te ga hiraku asu wa
hikari e te o nobasu
kegare naki kin no tsurugi
madoromi omoi o tachigitte
tsutau seihitsu
denshou yawaku hikari chitte
yami wa sariyuku
akatsuki hitori omou

From a vague lineage
Comes a hand that will reach toward a light
Opening a path to tomorrow
The un-corruptable golden sword
Will slash those hopes from their slumber
And lead to prosperity
That soft light will scatter
And chase the darkness away
Like a one man sunrise

There are still some things to work on, as 伝う水筋 can mean “along the river bank” or “from a watery lineage(?)” which itself can be taken to mean from a “vague lineage”, or “unknown linage.” In a way this can fit the theme of the game with Kamui being born in Hoshido and raised in Nohr, and so I went with “vague lineage.” The woman is singing on the edge of water though, so perhaps it is a pun?

“Slashing hopes from their slumber” implies awakening the hopes that were once lost, rather than crushing them as some may interpret it as.

With the new name Aqua, the watery image may work better. Also, “hitori omou” is the very last lyric of the song, so it can mean dawning on one’s thoughts rather than being a substitute for a metaphor.

Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem “Reincarnation” Lyrics Translation


This is the song sung by “Kiria” in the Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (幻影異聞録シャープエフイー) trailer that came out April 1st on the Nintendo Direct. (Video/song below for reference)

I found a transcript of the lyrics on 2ch written by Japanese users, so here they are in Romaji and translated!

The format:

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Fire Emblem 14: Trailer Translation [4/1/2015]

fe14logosI made these logos, yes. This is in no way official.

A little late, but Apritl 1st’s Nintendo Direct showed off a new trailer for the next Fire Emblem game (FE14). Let’s take a look at what we can pick out from the Japanese. This one had more English in it.

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Fire Emblem: if Website Translation [4/2/2015]

FEIFWallpaperUPDATE (5/31) The website changed slightly, but this still covers the information on the “about” page, though the formatting is slightly different.

Today I decided to translate the main website for Fire Emblem: if. It is mostly information plenty of others have translated, but I thought to translate it and put it on screen shots for convenience. Feel free to ask questions in the comments or sends an email if you are confused about anything!

The game releases June 25th, 2015 in Japan. 2016 for NA/EU.





It is also the first year anniversary of this website! What a way to celebrate!

Fire Emblem 14: Trailer Translation / Commentary

fe-ifToday’s Nintendo Direct showed off a new Fire Emblem game (FE14). Let’s take a look at what we can pick out from the Japanese, as well as from the general world of the game.

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