FE Fates Localization: “I was about to walk my cat” [JPN vs ENG]

This post is part of a series on reader requested (and personal curiosity) comparisons between Fire Emblem games’ Japanese and English scripts. Last time, I looked at how Lukas from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is portrayed slightly differently in English

Today, I return to Fire Emblem Fates thanks to a reader on twitter:

“I was going through my Miiverse when I saw this and I was wondering if the cat was in the Japanese original or simply the localizers having fun. It’s from Revelation chapter 14.”

They provided a screen shot with it (seen above). It’s a brief side conversation with a villager upon visiting a home on the map.

Let’s take a look!

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FE Fates Localization: Soleil & Cows [JPN vs ENG]

This post is part of a series on reader requested (and personal curiosity) comparisons between Fire Emblem games’ Japanese and English scripts. Last time, I looked at Garcia and Dozla’s support conversation in Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones FE8.

Today, I return to Fire Emblem Fates thanks to a reader request who emailed me:

“So Soleil has this line about how milking cows is ‘good practice.’ Dare I ask what it was in Japanese?”

Ah Soleil, you really hold a special place in my heart. I remember this line in English (and Japanese) as well, so let’s take a look at it!

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FE Fates: Did Corrin reference a meme on the final chapter of Revelation? [JPN vs ENG]


It’s been a while since I did a comparison on Fire Emblem Fates, but this was one thing I was curious about that I got to check today.

Spoiler Warning: The scene in particular is from the final chapter of Revelation. It does not give too much away, nor do I go out of my way too. However, some things in the dialogue may give some minor elements away, so please proceed at your own risk. (I even blurred out the above image).

Please note that this post is purely informative and may share some opinion, but this does not mean the change is necessarily good or bad. A change is just a change that is being looked into, and you can be the judge of whether you like it or not!

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Fire Emblem Series “Choose Your Legends” Analysis – Final Summary and Recap


Over the last week, I took an in-depth look at the Fire Emblem Heroes “Choose Your Legends” poll. It is the first time there has ever been (what is essentially) a popularity poll of the Fire Emblem series conducted worldwide across every main entry in the series. For that reason I put a lot of time toward looking at the trends, characters, and other fun data that we can derive from it.

There are limitations to it of course, which I address on each individual post. I hope as a Fire Emblem fan you gain some nice insight form all this.

A big thank you to Elieson over on serenesforest.net for having organized the original graphs of data that I could then modify and format for purposes here.

I will be resuming my usual translations from tomorrow, but if you have any other suggestions on what sort of data you want to see formatted (such as “Chart showing Jagen characters lined up), let me know! I’ll happily add it.

If you feel generous, then I’ll happily accept any donations you may have (just click the orange button on the top right of the page!)

Below I present the findings in image format, and links to the more detailed article pages! Enjoy! And thanks again for all reader comments and support. : )

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FE Fates: Subaki x Hana Fan Comic Translation (Request)

Today I translated a short (4 page) fan comic featuring Subaki, Hana, and Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates.

This size of request is fairly simple to handle. I asked the original artist (sayokariko, also on twitter) for permission too, to which she gave me the go-ahead so long as she is credited!

So please keep in mind I did not draw these. I simply translated them.

If you have any requests, or are feeling kind enough to donate, please use the “DONATE” button on the top right of this page!


Tsubakaza1T Tsubakaza2T Tsubakaze3T Tsubakaza4TOriginal comic in sayokariko’s gallery here.

FE Fates Localization: Nyx Support Comparison (Reblog)



This is another post in my ongoing Fire Emblem Fates localization comparison posts! I discuss anything from major to minor changes here.

Today, however, I did not do the comparison, rather, I came across an intriguing article that discusses Nyx’s supports between Japanese and English, and how it changes her portrayal. Namely, how she seems more concerned about the body she is stuck in (English) versus the guilt she feels due to the mass-murder she committed (Japanese) as a side effect of her portrayal.

I already looked at some changes with Nyx, such as her death quote. So it’s interesting seeing some more in her supports.

Please don’t use this summary for detail, as a lot of things may be taken out of context. So, instead:

Please head over to this lovely post to read about it in detail!

FE Fates Localization: Caeldori x Kiragi C Support Comparison (Strange)


This is another post in my ongoing Fire Emblem Fates localization comparison posts! I discuss anything from major to minor changes here. This one was requested to me by a reader on twitter!

Today, I look at Caeldori and Kiragi’s C support specifically. There was a slight (and strange) change I discovered when translating a 4koma strip that referenced the Japanese version here.

Please note that this post is purely informative and may share some opinion, but this does not mean the change is necessarily good or bad. A change is just a change that is being looked into, and you can be the judge of whether you like it or not!

It is all just for fun and curiosity for me. : )

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Fire Emblem if/Fates: Gender-bend Fanart Translations

Today I fulfilled a reader’s request who wanted to see these few (nicely drawn!) genderbend pictures of the two royal families from Fire Emblem Fates.

It was a minor request (not too much text) so I was able to do it pretty quickly.

The original pictures can be found on this artist’s page on pixiv!

FatesGenderbend01 FatesGenderbend02

(I guess the guys are having a harder time adapting to the female character design in the game than the other way around? xD)

Feel free to send in any other silly requests like the above. : )

FE Fates Localization: Endgame Character Dialogue Comparisons (ALL)


This is another post in my ongoing Fire Emblem Fates localization comparison posts! I discuss anything from major to minor changes here. This one was requested to me by a reader on twitter!

Today, I look at every character’s final lines during the Endgame chapters in both Birthright and Conquest. These lines are only said when said characters are brought on the final levels of the respective games.

Spoiler warning, of course! As it deals with events in the last chapter(s) of the game!

Please note that this post is purely informative and may share some opinion, but this does not mean the change is necessarily good or bad. A change is just a change that is being looked into, and you can be the judge of whether you like it or not!

It is all just for fun and curiosity for me. : )

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